Testing & Integration

We provide the best Services

As mobile and broadband technologies improve, it is essential that you partner with a service provider who understands the nitty-gritty of fast-changing technologies and can help you stay abreast so that you can cater to the changing needs of your customers. At Sky Waves, our technical team has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise to carry out seamless testing and integration to ensure you are never left behind.

Our Services
We offer a wide range of testing and integration services for the telecom and mobile phone industry. Our services include the following:

In the wireless telecom industry, this testing is the mainstay of the industry. The tests certify the performance of new and recently altered RF systems that are put into service in an existing wireless network. We have certified sweep technicians who can carry out the testing and measure obstructions and also phase match components that have to be integrated into the existing network.

We take pride in informing you that Sky Waves is instrumental in creating one of the best test and analysis services for the cell tower industry. We have the skills, technical knowledge, and expertise to test and analyze procedures, setups, and methodologies, and compile a thorough report for your understanding and further action.

Commissioning and integration are the key components when a network is being rolled out. We have a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians as well as high-end equipment to carry out all aspects of commissioning and integration. Our trained and certified technicians are adept in working on OEM equipment.

AWS, LTE, and UMTS technologies ensure consumers enjoy the benefits of high-speed data transfer. For this to happen, the entire RF system must perform with zero issues. However, random distorted signals can adversely affect RF systems and signals, and this can result in the occurrence of too much frequency noise. As a result, data transfer speed is affected and consumers may also complain of call drops. We, at Sky Waves, undertake efficient and effective PIM testing to identify distortion and suggest remedial measures.

As a part of our comprehensive microwave services, we offer our clients upgrading, alignment, pathing, and troubleshooting. The experience and knowledge of our technicians coupled with our high-end and reliable equipment allow us to ensure perfect alignment of new microwave dishes and ensure you enjoy minimal RSL in the pathways.

We, at Sky Waves, firmly believe that a balance has to be struck between network costs and QoS. We utilize tried and tested methods to identify areas in your network that require improvement and this, in turn, helps you enjoy maximum ROI. We offer our clients turnkey services that include drive testing, measurement, benchmarking, optimization, and post-processing.

Contact Sky Waves Today
To find out more about our testing and integration services, contact us today. Our technical team would be happy to assist you and answer your queries.


When you’re climbing structures the height of skyscrapers, safety is of the utmost importance. Our extensive training program teaches our climbers the proper technique to safely and successfully scale any structure.

Our work is a direct reflection of us, so we expect every job, no matter the size, to be executed to our level of standards. We set the bar high, yet we continue to surpass the expectations of our clients.

We’ve been working with telecommunications towers for nearly 10 years. Throughout the course of our history, we’ve stayed on the leading edge of technological advances and services.

Our employees love working with each other and enjoy coming to work. When you have a ping pong table, weekly food trucks, and battery-powered big wheels, it’s understandable.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)