Small Cell Installation

We provide the best Services

5G is set to enable world-class smart cities and facilitate the Internet of Things (IoT). Did you know that small cell technology will power 5G and the next-gen networks to ensure a superior user experience? Small cells can be used to deliver mobile internet usage, seamless and uninterrupted 4G, LTE, and 5G connectivity to ensure they have access to the internet when they need it the most. 

As a 5G provider, you do not have to look far. We, at Sky Waves, are experts in small cell installation, commissioning, integration, and repair.

Understanding Small Cell
Most people are used to macro network cell towers that soar into the sky. However, communities are looking to do away with these tall cell towers and ensure cost-effective internet connectivity in a digital world. That is where small cell technology comes in. 

Small cells are mini cell towers that are inconspicuous. They can be installed on street lamp poles and rooftops without being intrusive. Unlike the large cell towers, these mini cell towers do not require a lot of power and can cater to a high demand area without too much effort. Small cell is also the right choice for rural and suburban areas, where macro networks are still making inroads, and in difficult terrains where it is not feasible to install macro networks. 

Small cells are usually clustered together and since they take hardly any installation space, they are perfect for city streets and busy metro areas. Usually, small cells are installed a few blocks apart and this high-density installation can be deployed on buildings, street lamp posts, airports, train stations, sports stadiums, college campuses, and shopping malls where the large macro cell towers cannot be installed. 

It may come as a surprise to learn that small cells can improve the performance of a network as it reduces the load on macro networks, allowing both to function seamlessly. Small cells use low, mid, and high band spectrum to transmit signals, making them extremely efficient in high-density areas where thousands of mobile phones could be operating.

Small Cell Installation
At Sky Waves, we have the technical knowledge, expertise, and experience in installing small cells. We cater to mobile network providers, IoT manufacturers, and others. The installation requires fiber optics cable or microwave, power, and space. The installation does not take time and just a couple of hours is sufficient to install one small cell. 

We have a proficient, thoroughly trained, and knowledgeable team of technicians, who can swiftly carry out small cell installation. 

Contact Sky Waves today to ensure a quick response from our technical team. Let us know your requirement and we will be happy to oblige.


When you’re climbing structures the height of skyscrapers, safety is of the utmost importance. Our extensive training program teaches our climbers the proper technique to safely and successfully scale any structure.

Our work is a direct reflection of us, so we expect every job, no matter the size, to be executed to our level of standards. We set the bar high, yet we continue to surpass the expectations of our clients.

We’ve been working with telecommunications towers for nearly 10 years. Throughout the course of our history, we’ve stayed on the leading edge of technological advances and services.

Our employees love working with each other and enjoy coming to work. When you have a ping pong table, weekly food trucks, and battery-powered big wheels, it’s understandable.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)