
Services We Provide

Sky Waves guides projects from conception through construction. We focus on collaboration and communication throughout the process to achieve mutual success for our clients and our firm.

Antenna & Line Installation

On the majority of the towers we have erected, we stay right on-site and complete a full install of all antennas and lines.

Small Cell Installation

Sky Waves has years of experience installing, commissioning, integrating, and repair of Small Cells.

Civil & Electrical Services

We offer complete civil services including Electrical and grounding upgrades to full raw land builds.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Sky Waves provides wireless tower site maintenance, tower troubleshooting and lighting services.

Structural Assessment & Modification

Sky Waves provides designs and construction drawings for tower structural modifications.

Tower Inspection & Drone Audits

Our flight crew can get your inspection done quickly and accurately.

Microwave Services

Sky Waves has years of experience in installing and servicing tower microwave systems.

Testing & Integration

Sky Waves has established one of the finest test and analysis service offerings available for the cell tower industry.

Emergency Deployment Services

Sky Waves site services have on-call staff available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)